No, We Haven’t Reached Peak Craft Beer
We always get asked: have we reached peak craft beer? No, no and no. According the article just published on Bring Me The News, craft beer industry is booming in Minnesota. We would even dare to use the word unstoppable, when describing it.
Department of Public Safety’s Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) statistics show there were 114 licensed beer producers in the state at the end of 2015. Of the licensed producers, 100-plus breweries are now operating in Minnesota. Roughly 25 of them opened in 2015.
The Growler said we’re years away from craft beer saturation – but there will be increased competition for new breweries. They predict new breweries will focus on a specific style or technique, instead of debuting with a lineup of several styles.
Read the full article at Bring Me The News
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